
The Cerulean Sequence

Created by James R. Eads

Delve into the realm of numerology as you uncover the significance of each number and learn how to unveil your soul number. The included guidebook is a cryptic artifact brimming with enigmatic clues and hidden messages that invite you to unravel its secrets. Prisma Visions presents James R. Eads' first oracle of numbers: The Cerulean Sequence. This deck includes 60 intricately illustrated cards and a corresponding hardcover guidebook designed to resemble James’ personal sketchbook. The Cerulean Sequence deck and additional accessories were artfully designed to support your numerological journey~ Order here to be first in line to receive our newest creation.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Things are moving along!!
about 1 month ago – Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 03:08:17 PM

Hi everyone, 

Just a quick update! We've already started to get shipments of some of the items in this campaign. We're hoping to be a bit ahead of schedule but we will see how the next month plays out in our favor :)

There are still about 200 people who have yet to respond to the shipping survey. Please check your email and spam. You can search for "Backerkit" or "Cerulean Sequence" and it should come up. If you can't find it, you can enter your email address at the link below. 

You can also enter your email address to access your pledge and make changes. We will be locking pledges on September 3rd so this is your last chance to make edits. 

If you used an Apple ID to sign in we cannot email you the survey, please get in touch with us via email [email protected]

Thank you!

Check your email: Surveys have been sent out!
2 months ago – Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 12:13:52 PM

Hi everyone! 

Exciting news - We just sent out shipping surveys! Check your email and look for an email from Backerkit!

If you used your apple ID to login to Kickstarter you will need to message us your email address so we can manually send your survey. 

Filling out the survey is mandatory - this is how we get your shipping info so that we can send off your rewards! You will also be able to add any items on to your pledge that you may have missed during the campaign. 

You will be able to edit your pledges and shipping info for the next month. We will then lock pledges and charge your cards if there are any extra charges. This will likely happen around September 3rd.

Everything is in production and we are hopefully going to be ahead of schedule. 

Cerulean Dice Update!
3 months ago – Tue, Jul 02, 2024 at 12:48:23 PM

Hi Everyone!

Everything in the campaign is in production now and things are moving along! I wanted to send out an update on the dice since things have progressed. 

I was a little unimpressed by the first few samples I ordered, but after a lot more digging I think I found the perfect dice to match the Cerulean Sequence! These are really nice heavy metal dice (similar to the weight of the Green Glyphs Rune Dice). They will come as a set of 3 d10 dice in a small blue satchel. 

You will still be able to add these to your pledges when you are filling out your shipping info. We have not yet sent out these pledge surveys, we are expecting to send them out this month. I will post another update here when the surveys are out. They will be sent to your email address and will come from Backerkit with a subject line about the Cerulean Sequence. It is mandatory to respond to this email or we won't be able to ship to you when the time comes! 

Thank you!! :-) 

A Kuzo Coin for everyone?!
4 months ago – Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 02:34:07 PM

After the last update, it seems that a majority of people would prefer a coin over a pin, and I'm certainly not opposed to that. I'm all in favor of a functional object. 

So how do we feel about this yes/no Kuzo coin? 

Also, since I couldn't have figured this out without you all, I've decided to upgrade this stretch goal to be included with ALL PLEDGES for a Cerulean Sequence deck. This means the coin will come free along with the free satchel. You'll be able to add extra coins to your pledge during the backer kit shipping surveys. 

Thank you all for your feedback, it's much appreciated. 

Update on the Abacus Stretch Goal
4 months ago – Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 11:42:26 AM

Hi Everyone! 

So I've kind of hit a dead end with the abacus. I got a sample in and it's just not doing it for me. I think a big thing for me is there is no customization on this item, it's also not something directly from the cerulean sequence (besides counting numbers) and it also is too small to be functional. 

SO I am thinking about changing this final stretch goal to a custom pin featuring Kuzo who shows up on 9 cards in the deck. I think Kuzo needs a moment to shine as he is an integral part of the sequence. 

How do you feel about this change?

This would be included with all pledges for the $111 tier and above, and will also be available as an add-on item when you fill out your shipping surveys. 

Kickstarter finished processing the payments this week and we've already gone into production on a few items! 

I'll post another update when we send out the shipping surveys. You will need to fill these out in order to get your pledges because we don't have your address yet! These will be sent to your email on file. We are aiming for the end of June to have these out ideally.