
The Cerulean Sequence

Created by James R. Eads

Delve into the realm of numerology as you uncover the significance of each number and learn how to unveil your soul number. The included guidebook is a cryptic artifact brimming with enigmatic clues and hidden messages that invite you to unravel its secrets. Prisma Visions presents James R. Eads' first oracle of numbers: The Cerulean Sequence. This deck includes 60 intricately illustrated cards and a corresponding hardcover guidebook designed to resemble James’ personal sketchbook. The Cerulean Sequence deck and additional accessories were artfully designed to support your numerological journey~ Order here to be first in line to receive our newest creation.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

NUMBER SEVEN: THE MIND. A look at the language
5 months ago – Wed, May 15, 2024 at 01:08:20 PM

seven. the mind and the eternal never-ending quest for knowledge. 

For number 7 I wanted to talk about the language that shows up in the cerulean sequence. I call it seedling script. It started from just scribbles in my sketchbooks and slowly over time turned into an alphabet. The idea to add it into the deck came later as I was piecing the cards together.

These are a few pages from the very first sketchbook that became a part of the cerulean sequence. At this point in time, I didn't know what I was working towards. 

I wanted this language to look like a part of the art, and putting English on the cards brought the cerulean sequence back to reality in a way that I didn't want. So the seedling script offered me an option to make this deck feel from another world. 

Several people have already decoded the language, if you have, maybe you can already read this:

There are a lot of layers and secrets to this oracle, as much as I'd like to talk more about the language, I don't want to give too much away before you have a chance to explore on your own! 

NUMBER SIX: THE HEART. First stretch goal reached!
5 months ago – Mon, May 13, 2024 at 03:24:27 PM

number six. the heart. it is empathy and care. it is health and healing. it is love. 

We hit our first stretch goal over the weekend. All decks will now come with a FREE satchel so if you ordered 2 decks, you'll get 2 satchels. I will be sharing more pictures of the satchel when the sample comes in. The satchel is also now available as an add-on item if you want extras.

Our next stretch goal is also coming up for the Cerulean Spectacles at $99,999! 

I did a few live unboxing videos over the weekend but also recorded one that I've added to the project page as well as below. This gives you a better look at the project as a whole. I also talk about keeping a sketchbook and some tips. 

Thank you all for the kind messages and encouraging comments, it means the world you are here and excited. 

NUMBER 5: CHANGE. Stretch goals and Live Unboxing!
5 months ago – Fri, May 10, 2024 at 10:18:10 AM

number 5 is about change and freedom. it is the halfway point between 1 and 9 and from 5 we learn about transition and breaking out of cycles. 

Before we get into stretch goals, I wanted to let you know I'll be doing a live unboxing of the Cerulean Sequence tomorrow:

Saturday May 11th at 11:11am Pacific on Tiktok Live

Saturday May 11th at 1:11pm Pacific on Instagram Live

Hope you can join me! 

And now, for our favorite time...It's time to change up the project and announce some streeeeeetch goals! Thank you all for your cool ideas, I've tried to incorporate the ones that I can. Keep in mind that stretch goals are bound to change, but as always I will keep you informed.

5 months ago – Thu, May 09, 2024 at 09:23:07 AM

we all need a little 4. number 4 is about foundation and stability. it is discipline and order. it's your reliable friend.

during number 4 I want to talk about my foundation. I've been creating divination tools for 10 years now, and if I told myself that 10 years ago I wouldn't have believed it. It wasn't what I thought I'd do, but I sure am I glad that I've traveled this path. the process of making something so involved has filled me in every way that I crave. making a deck is like making a piece of art, writing, and package design all in one. not to mention the symbolism. it's everything I love about creating wrapped in one thing and I don't think that is something I realized until more recently, perhaps even creating this sequence. 

most of all though, I think it's in these 10 years that I've come to realize the impact that i can make on people. the messages I've received over time about someone connecting to something I have made has filled me more than anything else. to know that I can create something that I truly enjoy and then to give it away to the world and be responded to so warmly. it's become my foundation for why I make art. so thank you. 

I've got some cool free items planned for stretch goals, I'll announce it in number 5: CHANGE!